Saturday 27 August 2016

Advantages of containerization

  • As cranes are used for loading and unloading containers, there is speed in their transportation. Moreover lorries carrying containers can drive directly on to a ship.
  • Containers are sealed and opened at its destination. So damages caused by rainwater and sunlight can be avoided.
  • Theft of goods can also be avoided.
  • As the containers are loaded and unloaded with the help of cranes, breakages can be reduced.
  • Containers reduce the need to employ labourers to carry the goods. This reduces expenses.
  • Containers, which can be stacked, reduce the need for warehousing.
  • As there is increased safety in using containers, the insurance cost is reduced.
  • Refrigerated containers can be used to transport perishable goods.
Disadvantages of containerization
·         High capital costs are involved in purchasing and maintaining containers.
  • High training costs are incurred in training labour to handle the loading and unloading of containers.
  • Containers occupy a lot of space and hence large space is needed to keep the containers.
  • The weight of the containers, reduce the amount of goods that can be transported.
  • Containers are loaded and unloaded with the help of cranes. This replaces human labour thus causing unemployment.

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