Saturday 27 August 2016

Tissue Function


Photosynthetic Manufactures food for the plant
Xylem Transport of water and mineral salts from the roots to the leaves
Phloem Transports food and substances from the leaves and storage organs to other parts of the plant
Epidermal Covers and protects the plants Prevents excessive water loss

Examples of tissues in animals
Tissue Function
Blood Transports materials from one part of the body to another Protects the body against infection
Nerve Transmits nerve impulses
Muscle Produce movement through contraction and relaxation of cells
Skeletal Provides support Provides movement

Organs and systems
An organ is a collection of tissues specialized in carrying out a specific function.
Examples in plants include: leaves, stems, roots and flowers.
Examples in animals include; heart, brain stomach, liver kidney, limbs etc
A system is a collection of different organs performing a specific function.
Examples in plants include; roots and shoot system.
Examples in animals include; Digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, skeletal

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