Saturday 27 August 2016


  • Cheap: Rail is the cheapest mode of land transport for long journeys, especially for bulky and heavy goods. If the goods are to be sent by road, then many lorries have to be hired and lorry drivers paid. But for a rail journey only the freight charges have to be paid.
  • Speed: It provides faster services for goods and passengers especially over long distances. There are no traffic jams, to slow down the journey.
  • Bulk commodities: Railways are very suitable for the transport of bulk commodities like coal, petroleum and iron and steel.
  • Containerization: Goods are now packed in containers, sealed and then transported. Damages caused by rainwater and sunlight can be avoided. Theft of goods can also be avoided. The containers are loaded and unloaded with the help of cranes. So breakages can be minimized. Perishable goods can be transported in freezed containers.

  • Transshipment: When goods are transported by rail, lorries have to be arranged to carry the goods to and from the railway station. So most of the customers prefer to use road transport for the whole journey.
  • Delays: Railways follow a strict timetable, which leads to delays for customers needing immediate transport of goods.
  • Short journeys: Railways are only suitable for carrying goods over long distances. They are not suitable for short journeys.
  • Timetables: This is the biggest problem for railways as trains are not available at short notice. They follow strict timetables, which cause delays.
  • Changing output: In recent years more emphasis has been shown on consumer goods, which are carried by road. With the decline of the coal industry and the steel industry, the need for the railways has also declined.
  • High capital costs: Capital costs are heavy. Maintenance of tracks and railway rolling stock is also very expensive.
Recent Improvements in Rail freight Transport:
·         Many loss-making lines and stations have been closed.
  • Diesel and electric locomotives, which give a faster service, are now being used.
  • The signalling system and rail tracks have been improved.
  • The freight transport is now operated by computer.
  • The express parcel delivery by passenger train has been developed.

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