Saturday 27 August 2016

Functions of the Skin

  1. Excretion – Wastes such as excess water, salt, urea and uric acid are removed from the body in sweat.
  2. Waterproofing – The skin with its oil glands prevents the entry of water into, and loss of water out of the body.
  3. Protection from Disease – The intact skin prevents invasion of micro-organisms and dust into the body.
  4. Protection from Ultraviolet Rays – Pigments reduce the intake of UV rays.
  5. Regulation of Body Temperature – The thin layer of fat cells in the dermis insulates the body. Contraction of small muscles attached to hairs forms ‘goosebumps’ and creates an insulating blanket of warm air. Also, sweat produced by sweat glands uses excess body heat to evaporate, providing a cooling effect.
  6. Sensory Detection – The nerve endings or receptors in the dermis detect heat, cold, touch, pressure and pain.

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